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Marine Discovery Center's March 21 lecture to discuss monarch butterflies

3/21/2024 at 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Event Description

The Marine Discovery Center’s Public Lecture Series will feature a March presentation on “The Kingdom of the Monarchs” by David and Susan Bruce. Set for Thursday, March 21 at 6:30 p.m., the local couple will discuss the migration of monarch butterflies from Canada to Central Mexico and back, as well as how local residents can assist this endangered pollinator during its journey. The couple work with the New Smyrna Beach Monarch Certification Program and traveled to Mexico’s Kingdom of the Monarchs in 2022 to view the winter migration site of millions of monarch butterflies. They will discuss the migratory risks that are undertaken by monarchs each year. In their presentation at MDC, they also will highlight primary reasons for the 80-percent population decline of these insects, including herbicides, deforestation and weather-related issues across North America. Click "Read on" for further details.

Marine Discovery Center
520 Barracuda Blvd
New Smyrna Beach FL 32169